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Empowering Veterans:

Our Story and Vision

Both Veterans and First Responders put their lives on the line every day so the rest of us can enjoy the numerous freedoms we so often take for granted.  Unfortunately, their service comes with a price and sacrifice.  At Warrior Paws, Inc. our purpose is to give back to these wonderful and selfless people who give so much to others.

Serving Veterans and

First Responders

Warrior Paws, Inc. serves as a service hub to Veterans and First Responders.  Our website contains content designed to be a resource pointing those we serve in various directions to help them with the resources they need.

Our services

We provide service dogs with various degrees of training to the community we serve.  We partner with our Veterans and First Responders to create a custom partnership.

This is How We Create Transformation

Our belief is that service dogs help our Veterans and First Responders in many ways. These can include physical assistance such as retrieving various items, opening doors and turning on lights. From an emotional perspective they can help with social interactions, stress reduction, reduce anger and serve as a wonderful companion providing unconditional love. 


Warrior Paws, Inc. provides our Veterans and First Responders with a purpose and partnership with their canine.

A veteran with a warrior dog


Having a Warrior Paws, Inc. dog reduces isolation and provides continued community. 

Warrior Paws Dogs service at the community jail


Both Veterans and First Responders put their lives on the line every day so the rest of us can enjoy the numerous freedoms we so often take for granted. Unfortunately, their service comes with a price and sacrifice. At Warrior Paws, Inc. our purpose is to give back to these wonderful and selfless people who give so much to others.

One of our local law enforcement training warrior dogs

Warrior Paws, Inc.

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At Warrior Paws, Inc., each board member brings personal insight and profound respect 

for the sacrifices made daily by our Veterans and First Responders. Our board is composed of individuals who not only understand these challenges but have lived them. One of our board members is an active First Responder with extensive K-9 experience, ensuring that our organization is guided by those who truly know the field.


Furthermore, the board is closely connected to the military community, with immediate family members who are decorated Veterans, proudly bearing honors such as two Purple Hearts and two Bronze Stars. This deep connection fuels our unwavering commitment to supporting those who serve.

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100% Customized Approach: 

Based on the needs of the Veteran and First Responder, a customized plan for each Service Dog is created.  We know that the partnership between a service dog and their corresponding Veteran or First is unique. 


Consequently, our training program is customized to the specific needs of those we serve.

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A 60% reduction in the cost of service dog training

via creative, mutually beneficial partnerships and efficient training methodology is recognized by Warrior Paws, Inc. This approach allows us to reduce the cost of service dog training from $32,000 per dog to $12,500! 


Our clever approach allows us to maximize each dollar donated and provide support to even more Veterans and First Responders.

Warrior Paws, Inc. Today