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Warrior Paws



Please answer the following questions as part of your application request. *Required

Are you an active duty or retired first responder (police, sheriff, fireman, EMT)?
What is your Military Discharge Type – aka characterization of service?
Are you physically mobility impaired such that you would benefit from help with tasks such as: retrieving items, pushing buttons for elevators and doors, turning lights on/off?
Have you been formally diagnosed with a trauma-related condition such as Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that is documented as related to your military service?
Are you in an active treatment plan with a mental health professional?
Have you been in any in-patient treatment programs (e.g., substance abuse, physical rehabilitation) within the last 12 months?
Have you been psychiatrically hospitalized within the last 12 months?
Do you understand an assistance dog will change your lifestyle and routine, as they require daily exercise, veterinary care, mental stimulation, etc.?
Do you have the capacity to bathe, toilet, groom, exercise, provide proper nutrition for, and ensure proper and timely veterinarian care for the dog independently or with designated 1:1 assistance?
Do you have the ability and motivation to accept responsibility to use the dog appropriately
Do you have at least two supportive people in your social circle who are available to you and who agree to support you and the assistance dog? These people must live close to your home. These people are required to sign the “Supportive Contacts” doc
Do you have the physical ability to travel to a Warrior Paws training site to attend a 2-week dog matching and placement training course, as well as potential additional in-person testing and visits after that?
Do you understand that Warrior Paws cannot cover the cost of the travel detailed in the previous question, but will provide info about other organizations that can help with travel related costs.
Do you understand that if you don’t meet the scheduled training requirements, you could be removed from the program?
Do you have the financial means for the annual cost (food, vet care, flea/tick/heartworm treatment, supplies, and other expenses as needed) for a dogs lifetime, including potential for increases in expenses after the dog retires approximately $1,000
Do you understand that Warrior Paws cannot pay for dog related expenses after placement, and although the VA and other organizations may have programs to help with your costs, we cannot guarantee that they will pay you?
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